January 13, 2011

Over processed stars

Yesterday at 6pm my house was one of the thousands that had to go through a black out. Somehow my fear of the dark and boredom entwined together to get me to put my galaxy projector cover over my torch, which was a led rose light that Adrii got me a while ago.

Result: Bright, colourful stars all over my room.


Miss Li said...

thats so pretty~~ <33

Anonymous said...

woooow, pretty lights everywhere n_______n good job!

Anonymous said...

ahhh last one would be my fav~X]

Exuvalia said...

Whoa, that's pretty. Oh, your house went through a blackout because of the flood?

Melody said...

Looks gorgeousss babe! (;

Danika said...

Looks cool :D

Anonymous said...

Sarahhhh teach us how to render *U*

Sarah Truong said...

Thank you everyone n_n


@Anonymous 9:21 PM
In this post I just overlayed photos over each other LOL

- said...

this is amazing! Black outs has never been so fun :)
