The massive colourful thing is a bunch of plastic bags strung together. Adrii and I thought that they looked like used condoms. Immaturity +1
I love this activity area! The artist which the area is based on is named Fiona Hall. She's really obsessed with intricate art pieces I believe. I think in another one of her art pieces, she shredded coke cans into tiny strips and knitted them into baby's clothing ._.
The little nests and birds which are on the wall and hanging from the trees were made by kids :3 Pretty awesome. To make the nests, you stick paper cups together and staple heaps of shredded paper onto them. It sounds really simple but the finished result actually looks really professional.
This was so cool. From the top looking down it looked really deep though there was probably only 5cm of water.
I thought this was adorable. Neon lights ♥
This is one of Fiona Hall's (the woman mentioned in the activity area) artworks, Tender. Instead of these nests being made out of shredded paper, they're made out of shredded $1USD bills.
The purple ribbon on Adrii's foot said "I wish to have more friends" LOL. The gallery had a massive wall full of different coloured ribbons and wishes that you could choose from.
Apparently here you can write a postcard and GOMA will send it free of charge. I wrote one to myself to see if they really would :3
Okok, take care everyone.
wow GOMA looks soo awesome, and really expensive to go inside D: do you have to pay or is it one of those free galleries? :D
Free :D
wow this place looks amazing!!!
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