November 15, 2012

My formal

Hello! I'm sorry it's been so long but after finishing all my exams I kicked back and decided to drown myself in episodes of Veronica Mars. Last night, I finally got to celebrate with my friends at my high school formal. I've been looking forward to this day for too long and while I'm glad that it's over because I don't have to stress about it any longer, I'm also missing it every hour that passes.

I woke up early and headed out with Adrienne to get our make up done at Napoleon. My make up artist was sick but she still managed to follow all of my requests to perfection. If anyone's looking for an opinion on their makeup services, I was actually incredibly impressed. At Sofitel, the air circulation and conditioning was so terrible but even after sweating litres (not really but you get the point), my makeup hadn't budged a bit!

Straight after we walked up to Jon Le Court to get our hair done. By the end of the 45 minutes, I had gone through so much hair teasing and hairspray that my head was spinning so hard. My hair was ruined an hour into the formal but up until that I loved it!!

After all the prep we got changed and went to Alice's house for the pre. There's not really much else to say about the event apart from that the food was mediocre and that the post was funner than the entire formal so I'll just leave you guys with a heap of photos. I hope you all have a great night xoxo.

I can't believe I'm graduating tomorrow!


tharangni said...

wow everyone looks gorgeous! :D

Melody said...

You guys all look so amazing ;A; ! And the photos are sah goood ashfasoifh .. lemme just sit here and admire you all day ;;
